Insightful and practical ALPHA and BETA strategies to increase harmony and communication between you and your children, spouse or lover, friends, clients, co-workers, boss, employees, teachers, parents…
(Pre-requisite is DynaMIND®)
• Practical, powerful ways to create rapport and more harmonious communication... and understand why some people just don’t “connect”...
• The traps that lead to problems in relating... and how to avoid them.
• How to get new insights about someone else's point of view and motivation... ready for a revelation?
• How to use your intuitive faculties to find out what you need to know, and express what you need to say.
• How to step out of negative emotion and perceive the situation from a neutral, objective point of view. Someone's driving you "nuts"? Here's a way to shift your emotional state in minutes, so that you can respond more constructively!
• Looking for Mr. or Ms. Right? Looking for the ideal client or business partner? Get the most useful tips on how to program to attract a relationship (and how NOT to do it!!!) Are you ready?
NOTE that this Applications Workshop is open only to Graduates of DynaMIND®