Personal consulting with
Jonathan and Janet:
We are occasionally able to accept new personal clients.
We are interested in working only with the highly motivated
who are able to make an ongoing commitment
to the kind of intensive change and growth process
in which we specialize.
If that’s you,
then call us or email
to apply.

From my first session with her, she quickly identified a deep negative belief and brought it to my attention.
For the rest of my sessions with her, I got to enjoy first hand and benefit from her extraordinary listening skills, her humour, her wisdom, her rich experience and last, but not least, wonderful customized processes just for me!!! What a privilege!
I am back to writing with joy and enthusiasm and a regained sense of freedom!
Melissa Anctil, Montreal.

Nicky Billou
The CEO Health Coach
Adviser to Olympic Champions Donovan Bailey and Mark McKoy, and 3 time Guinness World Record Holder Theresa Dugwell
Author of Cathy Capitalist and Johnny Jobmaker: the Video Game Company, available on Amazon!